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About Me edit

I'm Craig Gardner. ganglia has been my tech id for about 20 years. And contrary to common belief, it's not because I have anything to do with the Ganglia Monitoring software ( Just think of "ganglia" as being the plural of "ganglion." (See

I worked at Novell for over 15 years, and with the recent acquisition by Attachmate, I now work directly for the SUSE business unit of Attachmate. Working for Novell I was involved with numerous proprietary Novell products, primarily providing standard Build systems for the various projects and products. I served on the Security Review Board for many years, helping to keep security matters at the forefront of the minds of software engineers, and conducting reviews of source code to help identify potential security vulnerabilities. For 3 years I was the Maintenance Coordinator for Novell's Open Enterprise Server. And for 5 years I organized and managed the Installation and Migration Depot at Novell's annual BrainShare tradeshow.

Now that I have joined SUSE I work primarily on the BuildService. I keep the build services running, contribute some code, and am a code manager for the openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise products. My work isn't so much of the sexy, visible openSUSE stuff, rather I work almost entirely behind the scenes. I am also an openSUSE Ambassador.

I have also worked at BMC Software in Houston, TX, and at Brigham Young University (BYU). At BMC I worked as an engineer building and packaging the widely popular PATROL product and its associated Knowledge Modules. While at BYU I was a systems programmer for University Computing Services on their Amdahl 370 (an IBM 370 clone), and I spent several years as the systems administrator for the College of Nursing.

You can find me on freenode as ganglia.

I do maintain some not-so-sexy packages in OBS:

  • google-perftools, which winds up in openSUSE
  • and musescore, which is a music typesetter. I write choral music, and this is by far the best tool for writing sheetmusic. (I guess musescore really should be considered "sexy.")
  • and hercules, the System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator.

Contact edit

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