Portal:Build Service
The Open Build Service (OBS) is a generic system to build and distribute binary packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and reproducible way. You can release packages as well as updates, add-ons, appliances and entire distributions for a wide range of operating systems and hardware architectures.
The openSUSE project runs it's own instance at https://build.opensuse.org

For Users
- openSUSE releases are transparently built in the openSUSE:Factory project, including automatic image creation.
- Users can find the latest software packages for their distribution. A good availability for everyone is achieved through mirrors around the globe.

For Packagers
- Automatic resolving of dependencies to other packages. If a package depends on another package, this package will be triggered for a rebuild automatically if the depending package changes.
- Linking to other projects: Patches can be tested against current packages from other projects.
- An open API allows different clients (e.g. osc) and external services (e.g. github,com, kde-apps.org) to interface with the Open Build Service and to use its resources.

For Software Projects
- For developers it is an efficient place to build up groups and work together through its project model.
- No "compiler farms" of different hardware needed to build packages for different architectures and multiple Linux distributions like Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, and more.
- KIWI integration for automatic product and image creation.

For Independent Software Vendors
- The Open Build Service is licensed under GPL and can be installed on any piece of hardware.
- The easiest way to run your own instance is to use the OBS appliances. The appliances can be used to run an instance directly or to install an instance on your server.
- A manual installation is also possible but is more complicated.
Who is using it?
- Besides the openSUSE project, a number of Open Source projects like the Moblin/Maemo/MeeGo project, VideoLAN project, companies like Dell, Cray, United States Postal Service and universities are running their own instances of the Open Build Service. Some of these are available in our list of Open Build Service installations.
How to contribute
The source and documentation of the Open Build Service and its tools are hosted inside the Open Build Service Project at github.com. There you find a contribution guide and developer documentation.
Tools around OBS
Here is a list of official and non official OBS components and tools.
Packagers should start reading the tutorial and the cross distribution package how to. Some general hints can be found on the FAQ and Tips & Tricks pages.
A cheat sheet for osc is available as well and a user guide and a admin guide are being in development (help welcome!).
Another important piece is the documentation for the API. The API is a simple and generic interface to work with the Open Build Service. You may use it to integrate your tools to submit code updates, check the current state of your projects or doing something very different and cool.