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Would you like to help expand The openSUSE Project? Would you like to have a larger openSUSE community and community developer influence. Would you like to teach new users about The openSUSE Project Linux Distribution? Would you like to represent The openSUSE Project at local events and conferences? Would you like to distribute openSUSE installation media and advertising materials. Are you ready to take on the challenge of providing training and guidance to new contributors to the openSUSE Project as a Mentor? Then you're ready to become an openSUSE Advocate!

Advocacy Goals

  • Advertise and support end user migration to openSUSE
  • Advertise for openSUSE at local events and conferences
  • Encourage expanded contribution and development of the openSUSE Project
  • Have a lot of fun!

Advocates Are In Dire Need

  • With a large number of outdated and unmaintained Operating Systems still in use as well as Windows XP soon to be joining them now is a great time to tackle these security threats to the internet and migrate these systems to openSUSE 13.1 Evergreen!
  • Many computer owners purchased their first system in the late 1990's and early 2000's they spent a small fortune for these systems and some do not understand the importance of OS updates others do not feel they got their money out of their original investment to warrant a second investment in new hardware or a new high priced OS but many would likely agree to a free migration to openSUSE after learning all of its great benefits.
  • These old systems represent a security threat for all internet users as they can easily be compromised and used to launch attacks against internet infrastructure across the world.