openSUSE:Launch parties

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openSUSE Leap 15.6 was released on June 12, 2024! Celebrate the new release with your fellow openSUSE enthusiasts with a launch party! These events revolve around the debut of a new openSUSE version and can take many forms, depending on the organizers. They are great opportunities to share information about the latest release, exchange knowledge and introduce new people to openSUSE distributions. Most importantly, these gatherings are all about having a lot of fun...

If you are hosting an event for a launch party of the next release, go ahead and add it to list below. If you're interested in hosting one and have questions, see the Launch Party HOWTO or ask someone on the Marketing Telegram channel.

If you want to give a presentation, find some materials on the Presentations page.

Picking a date

Launch parties aren't limited to the release date. It's fine to organize a party 3 to 4 weeks after the release or more, when people have had a chance to test it out!

And be sure to fill in the list below as complete as possible!!!

Note that we can not guarantee to be able to get things to you in time. The later the release party is after the release the bigger the chance we can make it!
Note that we can not guarantee to be able to send anything to your party - we have limited resources and might have to prioritize!


Launch party locations list

Organizer Details Country Language Date/Time Address Planned size (guestimate) Report
openSUSE Bar Release Party in the openSUSE bar. Worldwide Multiple Languages June 12 openSUSE bar 12+
Nuremberg Cake at the SUSE Office on June 12 & BBQ at openSUSE Conference on June 28 Nuremberg, Germany English, Germany, Spanish June 12 & 28 Z-Bau 40+
Japan openSUSE User Group openSUSE mini Summit & openSUSE Leap 15.6 Release Party Japan Japanese, (English) July 6 Pleasanter Lounge, Nakano, Tokyo 10-30